Brief History of the Town of Moreau
General Jean Victor Moreau February 14, 1763-September 2, 1813
Not much is known of this distinguished French gentleman, however it is known that he came to this area in 1804 and that the people who settled the town were so impressed with the "visiting Frenchman, General Jean Victor Moreau, since his lasting impression endowed the town with his name," and thus the Town of Moreau was born.
Saratoga County history indicates that the Town of Moreau was created from another local township, the Town of Northumberland at a meeting on March 28, 1805. At the second town meeting Solomon Parks, the son a Daniel Parks, was made a town officer. The portrait of Solomon's grandson Solomon Augustus can be seen in the meeting room of the Parks-Bentley Place. When Tsar Alexander I of Russia called General Moreau to Europe he became a military advisor during the 1813 Campaign in Germany. Moreau died in the line of battle against the French, his own kin.
The Parks-Bentley Place and The Historical Society of Moreau and South Glens Falls
53 Ferry Boulevard in the village of South Glens Falls, Town of Moreau, Saratoga County, New York 12803
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Historical Society Meetings - 4th Monday of each month
Email: [email protected]
Historian: Reed Antis
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